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To My Friends
2019-09-14 共 次阅读First of all, congratulations on your successful college entrance examination and entering the school you want. After entering the university, you may be confused and will not know what to do. Without the restraint of the teacher, you may pay attention to play and don't want to learn. You may think it's enough to pass in 60. If you think so, then you are wrong. Now, I would like to give you some suggestions:
First, study hard. Universities do not mean sixty points is enough. You can play, but you can't spend all your time playing. Second, when you play, play hard. You need to set aside some time for yourself to relax while you are studying. Third, cultivate an interest and learn it well. You can try a lot of things, like singing, dancing, guitar, piano, etc. If you're interested in one of them, you can learn it and learn it well.
Fourth, enter a department. Join a department that you are interested in, work hard in the department. You can learn a lot from it, and you can run for minister. Last, if you don't want to enter departments, you can choose to join a club, you can make a lot of friends in the club.
Universities can not only learn and play, but also you can make a lot of friends. You can expand your social circle, but at the same time you need to choose some good friends to interact with them. I hope you will enjoy your university life.
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