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Now i have nothing owe you

2019-09-18    共 次阅读

One day, Jack met his feiend,Hill in the street.Jack was quite rich,but Hill was poor. ThenJack remembered something.“I lent you ten dollars last week.Can you give it back to me? ”

Hill thought about the money for a minute.Then he said,“I haven't got any money with me today.I'll give it to you tomorrow.”At that time,a man ran up.He had a knife in his hand.Hill and Jack were afraid.Give me your money,”he said to Jack.

Jack took out his wallet and gave it to the thief.

"Now you give me your money,"he said to Hill

Hill thought quickly.He took out his wallet. But he did not give to the thief. He gave it to Jack and said,“I owe you some money.Here it is.‘
