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To save water

2019-09-18    共 次阅读

Some people say, the world's water is inexhaustible. But, I tell you, you this kind of view is wrong! Although the water on the earth accounted for two-thirds of the earth, but we can use the freshwater only a third of them. Water does not increase, it will slowly reduce! If the world is not the water, it will be terrible… …It will cause many disasters, I will detail below.

The first: dust storms. It can make the ecological environment deterioration, sandstorm weather when the wind around the sand, dust everywhere, and by regional air turbidity, Moscow fans eye, the increase of respiratory diseases. As on May 5, 1993 occurred in the singularity of the strong dust storm weather, monitoring to the outdoor air dust content of 1016 mm/cubic centimeters, indoor for 80 mm/cubic centimeters, more than the provisions of the state of living standards of air dust content in the area of 40 times.Influence of production and life,Sandstorm weather to carry a large number of sand and dust storms shading, overcast, resulting in a decrease of solar radiation, a few hours to ten hours of bad visibility, easy to make a person dull, working study efficiency. Light person can make a large number of livestock dyed respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, serious when will lead to a large number of "spring" livestock deaths, blown away farmland fertile soil, seeds and seedlings, dust storms will cause the ground surface soil wind erosion, desertification, covered in thick dust on the plant leaf, affects normal photosynthesis, responsible for the crop production, dust storms also makes the temperature fell sharply, the sky as it props up a sunshade, ground under shadows become dark, cold, make huge losses of lives and property;Affect traffic safety, (such as plane, train, automobile traffic accident) sandstorm weather often affect traffic safety, the plane can't take off or land normally, make the car, train car glass broken, suspended or derailment;When people are exposed to dust weather, contain a variety of toxic chemicals, germs, such as the dust can be through the s of protection into the mouth, nose, eyes, ears. These contain a large number of harmful substances of the dust if not promptly clear will cause damage to these organs or bacteria in these organs for intrusion point, causing various diseases.

The secong:the forest fire.The dangers of forest fires on ecosystem, forest fires destroy forest ecological balance of ecosystem, forest ecosystem is difficult to recover after burning, such as high strength, large areas of forest fire, on forest resources and the forest ecological system can be devastating losses,more serious on the residents' property, transportation, atmospheric environment, and affect People's Daily life, therefore, all kinds of creatures of the forest fire heartless not only destroy forests, destroy the terrestrial ecosystem, and its dust cloud will seriously pollutes the atmospheric environment, direct threat to human living conditions,And the smoke will seriously pollutes the atmospheric environment, the enormous direct threat to human living conditions, and fighting forest fires need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, financial resources, to the people and the country caused heavy loss of life and property, disrupt the region's economic and social development and people's production and life order, directly affect the social stability. Now all countries in the world to a large area of forest fire prevention and control as a major natural disasters.From the perspective of disaster, the forest fire was caused by artificial and natural factors of lost control of a natural disaster.

Brought a series of disasters, drought and drought causes most people because some parts of the excessive waste of water.So, I called for here: love our home! Don't waste water!