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Fond memory
2019-09-14 共 次阅读Tonight, this hour. I sit in the spacious classroom, quietly watching the rain falling outside the window, in the light of the shining, it seems to have a feeling. Standing in front of the window, I can not help but put aside the thick high school test simulation. At that moment, the floodgates of memory suddenly opened, a shallow memory of the heart. And that shallow miss, also began to take root in the heart, sprout, mad long.............
There is nothing I can forget more than the orchard in my house since I remember it. I remember when I was a child, whenever I went out, all I saw were green fruit trees. Among them are apples, peaches, cherries, grapes, pears... And that orchard has always been the source of my memory, the most pure heart treasure.
To this day, I can still clearly in the heart of every tree when the growth of the position. At that time, I was so simple and carefree. At that time, as soon as winter came, I looked forward to the early arrival of spring. Nothing else,
In fact, in my memory after the age of five years, my mother never kissed me or cared about me as lovingly as before. Since then, my image has changed into another kind of face, demanding me more and more. But as far as I am concerned, I am not complaining about my mother, nor am I blaming. On the contrary, I thanked her from my heart, because she taught me to be independent, let me know how to be strong earlier than other children, and let me know a lot of truth about how to be a person.
So, tonight in this ordinary rain night, I will have such kind of miss.
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