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Why did you walk away?
2019-09-14 共 次阅读Do you remember the people who once walked side by side with you? Do you remember the people who promised to walk side by side with you at the moment? Are they still promising you that your life is like climbing a ladder? Some people climb side by side with you from the beginning, and they may have fallen halfway? Down the cliff. When you look back from the beginning to the end, you will find that there are few people standing at the top.
It needs to be tested by a strong will, just like our friendship. Friendship needs to be tested. Some people may be able to stab you in both ribs, but others will stab you in the back. This may sound ironic, but it is true!I always remember that night when I graduated from junior high school, my classmates came forward to hug our head teacher, but I thought a lot about it. Many of my classmates cried that day, but I didn't. Because I know, life is full of passers-by, from kindergarten to our junior high school graduation, and even to our university, we will go through many transfer stations, arrival, we will go down. But it's not a passer-by, it's just a light de ion of your life, and some of it will become a colorful one in your life, because people are emotional animals after all. If life is compared to taking a bus, I think it is a very appropriate phor. We get on the bus from the starting point. Every time we get to a station, somebody will go down, but somebody will come up. And when he drives to another site, you never know who will come up next and who will go down. But there are few people who can really accompany you from the beginning to the end. After all, they are just a passer-by in your life. Maybe there are people worth cherishing, but you still missed them.
Once, it was clear that you and he are very good friends, even you can say that the relationship is inseparable. Until one day you are faced with a high wall, which hinders your way forward, and maybe you will compromise, but your feelings may be dissipated. From your acquaintance to the end, you may not know how deep your feelings are and whether you can face any challenges in the future. I remember that there are four sisters around me. They are always inseparable. Whenever they appear hand in hand, they are envious of others. They can eat an ice-cream together in hot summer and even squeeze a bed together in cold winter. They even promise to be together in spite of any difficulties and obstacles. Faced with it, their feelings will not be broken up by any obstacles. Until...
By the third and the second semester of junior high school, facing the division of classes, this is a pair of sisters, because of their different grades, have been assigned to different classes, and their friendship will also walk away. Once, because of the different reasons in the classes, they just smiled at each other when they finally met. Even the feeling of strangers is not as good, not to mention the once inseparable sister flowers! Is there really no lasting friendship in the world? That's not necessarily true. Everyone knows the friendship between Engels and Marx. Their friendship is a model in human history.
Together, they fought hard and shared hardships. Although they ended up in two different places for nearly 20 years, their feelings did not alienate, or even became closer and closer. They communicate almost every day, and their friendship lasts for more than 40 years. What does that mean? This only shows that true friendship is d on interconnection. If friends are not connected with each other, how can we talk about feelings? In fact, the true friendship is to treat each other sincerely, trust each other, discuss everything with each other, when you are happy, when you are sad, to help you out. Good medicine is good for the mouth, but good advice is good for the ear. Care for you, love you. Use your heart to pay for both sides silently, without asking for return. Never care too much about money. Real friends should be when you are hurt, they will find you at the first time, and then they will stay with you quietly without saying anything. When you finish crying, she will tell you to wipe your tears and face them firmly.
Maintain your friendship correctly, and don't let it go away.
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