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Childhood past

2019-09-18    共 次阅读

Each person has his own unusual childhood,And my childhood was like a pearl box,There are one pearls in it, and it's for me to remember,And today,I want to show you the most pure and flawless one pearls. I was four years old,From home to Fuzhou, I came to Fuzhou to visit my aunt one,Did I talk to you that day? My aunt ate one grand lunch,The swimming pool is very high, so the aunt offered to take us to play with the digestion,It's just falling for one,We're just saying that:"This is a great idea!" When we thought about it, we thought about it,I think it's fun to play in the Jinji park,No place is better,Because the golden mountain park is very close to the aunt's house,And we can also use mountain climbing to meet,This is an idea of the best of the world,So how many of us are leaving. As long as we've arrived, my aunt never lied to me,Haha!

After a while, we were out of breath on the top of the mountain.Because of the greater strength of the mountain climbing,So we are thirsty and tired,Aunt gave us a few bottles of drinks,After drinking a cold drink, we began to go back and forth.After a while, I lost my drink bottle and fell on the ground, and it started the rolling journey,So I started chasing it,If it's downhill, I'm running, just like this, and you're gone,Go all the way to the bottom of the mountain.I really want to cry at that time,After my grandparents came down, I began to laugh at me,I laughed and laughed with them,"hahaha…" Now, remember,I'm still laughing at my innocence.
