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2010年阜康中考英语作文:Asian Games

2019-09-18    共 次阅读

第 16 届亚运会将在中国举办,广州成为中国第二个取得亚运会举办权的城市.假设你是亚运会志愿者,在下 周的英语角活动中,请你根据下面的表格提示,用英文简单地介绍一下即将举行的这届亚运会的盛况.要求:80 词左右.

参考词汇:Asian Games 亚运会 event 项目 team official 领队 mascot 吉祥物 region 地区


The sixteenth Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou China from November 12 to 27 in 2010. Guangzhou has become the second city in China to host the Asian Games. There will be 41 events in 43 gyms Duning the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. About 14700 athletes and team official from 45 Asian countries and regions will come to Guangzhou. Do you know what the mascot is? Well,it is a group of five goats called Leyangyang,which means happy in Chinese. Guangzhou welcome friends from all Asian countries and regions.