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"Anti-corruption storm 3&quo
2019-09-14 共 次阅读Just a little busy, have good things to share with everyone, of course.
By Louis koo, zhang, Kevin cheng, stephy tang starring "anti-corruption storm 3" worth a look!
Film tight logic, plot the ups and downs, the rhythm is compact sharp, whether the theme style, music is tie-in, people thought the of emotion, are quite mature! Especially inside of parkour, fast racing and plot conversion lens, hard cutting technique, is cool and luxuriant, astonishingly, edgy, but again, classic, look very enjoyable!
Because the seriousness of the subject (drama), with little humor little naughty is proper regulation of the brilliant and compact tension brought by the plot, and without affectation procrastination. In emotional rendering, but also a blur, like a beam of light flashed a curtain of water, short but powerful ice wet your call are you looking forward to leading a firm determination to overcome evil and hardships, at the same time and produce emotional resonance.
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